Sunday, September 28, 2014

Family Guy "The Simpsons Guy" Review

"Don't Drink the Water.."

The Hype

This is it. The Crossover everyone asked for but no one saw coming. When I first heard the news I thought it may have been a joke (or just shoddy reporting) but nope, it's real, the two biggest animated rivals on prime time will be mashed together in one hour long extravaganza. The logistics are the first thing that bothered me, How would The Simpsons, a show slightly edgier and adult then your average cartoon, but still widely accepted as family television incorporate Family Guys brand of no one left un-offended humor, The answer is they don't. This may be a mash up but it is a Family Guy episode, the first in the season, and this means that they can basically do whatever they want, Picture it as family guy getting permission to visit Springfield. This means more filth and more raunch and The Simpsons get off scotch free. I remember a post a while back where The Simpsons creators asked Family Guy, and im paraphrasing here, for "Less rape jokes". Seth McFarlane Promtly responded "Nope" and the script was left as it is. According to several internet sources the episode is already "Under Fire" for a rape joke. But im sure this isnt the first, or last time somebody didnt like a joke on TV

The Review

Well, we get to see exactly what we're promised, the Griffins in Springfield. Although it takes a while to get there. The set up takes entirely too long, add a few more cut-away gags and it would be an entire Family Guy unto itself. This would be a lot less of a problem if the actual crossover time didn't leave me wanting more, Peter becomes a newspaper cartoonist by ripping off old jokes (Simpsons, get it? heh heh..) after being ran from town by offended women, the Griffin's car is conveniently stolen right outside of`Springfield.

The episode obviously focuses on Homer and Peter, but the Stewie/Bart bits are really the highlight, especially Stewie's methods for dealing with Bart's bully Nelson. Lisa and Meg's parts are satisfying enough but its really disappointing we didn't get to see more of the Lois/Marge dynamic.The Pawtucket Patriot/Duff comparison was really the best part, subtle humor like this is usually a very pleasant surprise from Family Guy. Unfortunately this along with the other best parts were given away in the promos and trailers. The episode overall has weak story and set-up.

However story is not what we came for, but this crossover fails in the one place it should excel. Don't get me wrong there are some very nice and funny moments throughout. It  just feels like they're doing it just to say its been done. I feel as though a great comedic opportunity has been missed. The episode is chalk full of Simpsons cameos, that do nothing to further the story, in what seems like a desperate attempt to shoe horn in all of the iconic Simpsons characters, which was accomplished quite well in the court scene at the end, making the endless cameos even more useless. Worst of all it feels like Family Guy significantly toned down they're signature brand of humor just for the Simpsons presence. The entire event was redeemed by the oh-so-satisfying final showdown between Homer and Peter, Seeing to cultural icons duke it out made the whole thing worth it.

The Verdict

A stale attempt at a crossover, delivers some laughs but is ultimately more Hype than Ha ha.
