Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Agents of Shield S02E02 "Heavy is the Head" Review

"You should try yoga..."

The Hype

We're coming off a big start from last weeks premiere, Shield is promising some big changes and better things to come, but now is the moment of truth. This week we will see if they can be held to that promise and keep up the momentum and excitement they built in the first episode.

The Review

Agents of Shield absolutely delivers on that promise. This week is a direct continuation of last weeks little cliffhanger the darker tone is taken even further and the show feels more serious overall. At times I worried that they may have tried to change too drastically but I think Shield has finally found where it wants to be. There's more action and more excitement, Agents of Shield kept me interested, but more importantly kept me guessing.

My favorite moment of the season (and probably of the whole series) was the forced moment of comedy at serious time. When Skye made the comment "Maybe you should try yoga" last season this would have been another light-hearted Marvel brand piece of humor, but it just didn't feel right. This was a brilliant moment of contrast between the first and second season that showcases how much the tone and characters have changed since then. We gets some more moments with Fitz and it's just as sad as before, but we seem him come out of his shell a little bit, it takes balls for a show like this to go for that kind of angle, but it defiantly works and brings in a different kind of emotional pull.

The villains were great this week. It's awesome to see the return of Raina and i'm so glad Absorbing Man wasn't a one off villain. Although he was technically defeated he didn't perish, so hopefully we'll get to see him again soon. Again I was decidedly impressed with the special effects. I may have geeked a little when absorbing man was struck and starting phasing through all sorts of materials. I use to always say that Agents of Shield needs to be a 30 minute program, the episodes seemed to drag and it was hard to pay attention. Now I whole-heartedly believe Shield has earned and is deserving of its hour run time, The cliffhanger at the end with the possible reveal of Skye's father was just icing on the cake.

The Verdict

 Agents of Shield is finally the show i wanted to be, and it leaves me wanting more
