Thursday, December 4, 2014

Arrow 3x08 "The Brave and The Bold" Review

"I Get It, You're Fast."

The Hype

This big crossover that we're now halfway through, seems to be the highlight this season of both series. I was incredibly impressed with last nights Flash, a solid, well rounded block of television that flaunts the best of both series. Now that the first villain has been overcome and the whole "who would win in a fight" is done and over with, we can see some good old fashion team up action. This time with one of the most beloved and corniest DC rogues, Captain Boomerang, who has been confirmed to be a main character in 2016's Suicide Squad, portrayed by Jai Courtney. I'm more than pumped to see the conclusion of this two part epic. Arrow, traditionally being a better show, may deliver an even better finale.

The Review

We start off with no flash in the beginning, which makes sense because this is Arrow, but the end of last nights Flash made it seem like they we're already teaming up for Captain Boomerang. The hype was off the charts this time around just watching the "Previously on" segment made me squirm in my seat. Most of the inter-series character mingling has been touched on last night, but Roy didn't visit Central City and it was cool to see him meet the Star Labs crew.

The flashbacks, at first, felt out of place in such a big episode but I suppose it would be worse to drop them all together. Fortunately they were relevant to the episode and connected in a meaningful way. The strong comedy of last nights Flash is continued here but to a lesser extent. Cisco nerding out of the "Arrow Cave" was hilarious, and the look on Roy's face as Cisco eyed Thea was priceless. Subtle things like this are what makes these shows so charming. Cisco has "ideas for improvement' for team Arrow and the show actually delivers on that concept with Oliver receiving his long overdue new suit. I can't wait to see how it looks and what other changed might be brought by the new world and characters of The Flash.

The Villain this week was handled very well, the acting was on point save for a few clunky lines and was ultimately pretty bad ass when in action. Even the cheesy boomerang references worked in the episodes favor. Captain Boomerang, however was never developed as a villain, but this is hardly a new complaint and I wouldn't expect them to start improving on this aspect in an episode featuring so many characters. The action was also very well done, the slow-motion shot of Berry catching the boomerangs was grade A nerdgasm material, and is one of the best shots of either series.

This is the first time that Grant Gustin has truly felt like the Flash I know and love, this maybe because most my exposure to the character has been in a team environment, either way, its good. The whole 'Starling Vs Central City argument was a very nice touch and worked as metaphor for the differing tones of the two series. The ending was also brilliantly written with the bombs working as a device to get the whole team involved, and let Oliver face his foe (and his humanity) face to face. Finally we are again proposed the question of "Who would win" and in the obvious (but smart) move it;s left up to the viewer to decide who may have won that final battle.

The Verdict

This Crossover event delivered two of the best episodes these series have seen and definitely lived up to the hype
